Learn the story behind the BLR10b. Learn why we built it, who it's built for, and the future of Revic Optics.
Hear directly from the experts at Gunwerks & Revic. Our salesmen and instructors answer the most common questions they've received about the BLR10b.
How far does it give a ballistic solution out to ?
Answered by Mitch Libby -
As far as it will range. The unit will gather ranges on reflective targets over 5000 yards. These binos will give you a ballistic solution well past any distance you're going to encounter hunting.
What is the ballistic solution calculating for?
Answered by Pake Taylor -
The BLR10b is going to give you a corrected solution while calculating for elevation, temperature, shooting angle, spin drift, coriolis effect, and aerodynamic jump. Plus it gives you the ability to add vector wind.
How many profiles does it hold?
Answered by Bennett Mabee -
The BLR10b holds one, which helps avoid running the wrong ballistic profile on your hunt. It's fast and easy to change profiles. To switch, just connect to the app via bluetooth and select your new desired profile.
Where are the binoculars pulling atmospherics from?
Answered by Ian Miner -
The rangefinding binoculars have an onboard weather station that senses atmospherics on-site which is more accurate than any app that's pulling from the nearest weather station.
Gunwerks founder Aaron Davidson sits down for an extended Q&A about the BLR10b rangefinding binoculars.